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#GSoC: Community Bonding period

This period between the accepted students announcement and the hands-on part of GSoC is called the ‘Community Bonding period’. It’s when students meet their mentors/community, and read documentation. I have met the awesome Cosimo Cecchi, who’s guiding me in the project. I also have contacted the Tracker community.

My first impressions were great. Everything about Tracker (and GNOME libraries in general) is pretty well documented.

In addition to that, I had my blog added to Planet GNOME. I’m glad to be in this planet after so many years reading it daily.

From now on, the Coding period has started. So it’s time to jump straight into coding. Unfortunately it’s not summer in Brazil, so I have classes to attend and exams to take, all this occurring simultaneously with the Google Summer of Code. Fortunately, I have scheduled my classes accordingly so that I have some extra free time to work on GSoC.

In this first half of the coding period you’ll see my work on Tracker. And in the second half, you’ll see my work directly on Documents. I’d love hear your feedback, comments, suggestions, ideas… anything, really.

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Hello Planet GNOME!

Yay! I am on Planet GNOME!!

Hi everyone! I’m a 20 years old Brazilian student at UFPel studying Computer Science. For the first time I’ve been accepted into the Google Summer of Code program.

This summer, I will be working with my mentor Cosimo Cecchi on Documents in order to make it able to manage and view files on plugged in removable devices. To accomplish that, I’m also going to work on Tracker.

I will keep you updated about my progress. Stay tuned. Same bat-hour, same bat-blog. 🙂

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#GSoC: Warm Winter!

It is winter in the Southern Hemisphere, but it is going to be warm because my GSoC proposal was accepted.

I am going to work on Documents in order to make it able to manage and view files on plugged in removable devices. This is a feature proposed by Cosimo Cecchi, who is my mentor in the program.

In this blog I am going to log my progress weekly. Keep tuned for updates here!