I have just returned from our annual users and developers conference. This years’ GUADEC has taken place in the lovely Karlsruhe, Germany. It once again was a fantastic opportunity to gather everyone who works pretty hard to make our desktop and platform the best out there. 🙂
Luckily I was able to attend the three core days of the conference and stay three more days for the Hackfests/BoFs. Speaking of that, I had a talk on GNOME Music which you can find online as a courtesy of the Chaos Computer Club Video Operation Center.
It was also a blast to be able to speak to Outreachy/GSoC interns, discuss diversity, and get up-to-date on what others have been hacking on lately. The local organizers and the volunteers made it sure that everything went by smoothly.
The atmosphere was fantastic and relaxed: picnic, social events, mini-pool, ice cream…

I would like to thank my employer Red Hat for enabling me to be once again present in the conference and for sponsoring my trip. See you all next year! 😉