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GNOME will be mentoring 9 new contributors in Google Summer of Code 2023

We are happy to announce that GNOME was assigned nine slots for Google Summer of Code projects this year!

GSoC is a program focused on bringing new contributors into open source software development. A number of long term GNOME developers are former GSoC interns, making the program a very valuable entry point for new members in our project.

In 2023 we will mentoring the following projects:

Project Title Contributor Assigned Mentor(s)
Make GNOME platform demos for Workbench Akshay Warrier Sonny Piers
Andy Holmes
Rust and GTK 4 Bustle Rewrite Dave Patrick Caberto Bilal Elmoussaoui
Create a New “System” panel in GNOME Settings Gotam Gorabh Felipe Borges
Implement backlog search in Polari IRC client Gurmannat Sohal Carlos Garnacho
Florian Müllner
Integrate GNOME Network Displays features into GNOME Settings Pedro Sader Azevedo Felipe Borges
Claudio Wunder
Jonas Ådahl
Anupam Kumar
GNOME Crosswords Anagram Support Pratham Gupta jrb
Make GNOME Platform Demos for Workbench Sriyansh Shivam Sonny Piers
Andy Holmes
Add Acrostic Puzzles to GNOME Crosswords Tanmay Patil jrb
Flatpak synching between machines Tim FB Rasmus Thomsen

As part of the contributor’s acceptance into GSoC they are expected to actively participate in the Community Bonding period (May 4 – 28). The Community Bonding period is intended to help prepare contributors to start contributing at full speed starting May 29.

The new contributors will soon get their blogs added to Planet GNOME making it easy for the GNOME community to get to know them and the projects that they will be working on.

We would like to also thank our mentors for supporting GSoC and helping new contributors enter our project.

If you have any doubts, feel free to reply to this Discourse topic or message us privately at

** This is a repost from

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Thanks everyone for Linux App Summit 2023!

We just wrapped up the 2023 edition of Linux App Summit here in Brno, and the conference was a blast! I was delighted to see so many friends and new people. I feel the future of Desktop Linux and our ecosystem is in very good hands!

For those that came to Brno and those participating virtually, I hope you also had a positive experience at the conference and at our city. If you missed the conference, you can watch the presentations in the LAS YouTube channel.

I hope to see you all soon at other events, such as GUADEC 2023.

Thank you!

Group photo of the 2023 Linux App Summit attendees
Group photo of the 2023 Linux App Summit attendees


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Register for Linux App Summit 2023!

LAS 2023 is happening next month and registrations are open!

You can  check the schedule in

We are excited to have you visiting us in Brno, Czech Republic. The conference starts on Friday, April 21st, with a pre-registration social event. Saturday and Sunday are full of interesting talks, panels, workshops, and more!

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GSoC 2023: GNOME Foundation has been accepted as a mentoring org!

We are glad to announce that once again the GNOME Foundation will be part of Google Summer of Code. We are interested in onboarding new contributors that are passionate about GNOME and motivated to become long term GNOME developers!

@Contributors interested in participating in GSoC with GNOME should visit for more information.

@Mentors interested in mentoring projects this year should file a gitlab issue in Teams / Engagement / Internship Project Ideas · GitLab 2

Project ideas

Our ideas list is available in GNOME + GSoC | 2023 Project Ideas 2 and is the result of the discussions in Teams / Engagement / Internship Project Ideas · GitLab 2.

You can still submit project ideas until March 19th, when GSoC applicants are expected to submit their final proposals.

Important upcoming dates:

  • Now – March 19: Proactive GSoC contributors will reach out asking questions about your ideas list and receive feedback from us so they can start crafting their project proposals.

    @Contributors make sure you research enough about the project and work towards making a small contribution. You should consider the proposals available in GNOME + GSoC | 2023 Project Ideas or propose your own project ideas as soon as possible in Teams / Engagement / Internship Project Ideas · GitLab 2
    Make sure you approach potential mentors to move your idea towards an internship.

    @Mentors, point contributors to for more information and be patient with their questions. Contributors are open to suggest new project proposals and you should indicate whether you’d be interested in mentoring those proposals and help them compose a project proposal that is realistic and benefits the project.

  • March 20 – April 4 18:00 UTC: GSoC contributors will submit their proposals through the program website.
  • April 4 – 26: We (admins and mentors) will review all submitted GSoC Contributor proposals and consider how many we want to select (based on how many committed mentors we have available). Admins and mentors will rank the contribution proposals.
  • April 27 18:00 UTC: Deadline to submit ranked slot requests (Org Admins enter requests)
  • April 27 – May 2: Google Program Admins review and assign org slots
  • May 3: Organizations receive notification of their accepted GSoC 2023 Contributors
  • May 4: Accepted GSoC 2023 GSoC Contributor projects are announced
  • May 4 – 28: Community Bonding Period
  • May 27: Deadline to notify Google Admins of an inactive GSoC Contributor that you wish to remove from the program
  • May 29: Coding begins

For more information on the timeline, visit Google Summer of Code 2023 Timeline  |  Google Developers

If you have any doubts or questions, please reply to this message on Discourse.

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FOSDEM with GNOME was a blast!

This was my first time attending FOSDEM and I had a lot of fun! It truly lived up to my expectations of full corridors, lots of known faces, and Delirium. 😀

During the conference days I was around the GNOME booth where interactions were great! Lots of people passing by and sharing kind words of appreciation to our desktop. We had lots of interest in GUADEC and LAS, as well as many people curious about the state of GNOME on mobile. The t-shirt/hoodie sales were a huge success! We were pretty much sold out by Sunday morning.

Special thanks to Kristi, Caroline, Rosanna, Sonny, David, Regina, Martin, Anisa, Rob, Zeeshan, and everyone that helped in the booth (I’m probably missing here people that were at the booth when I was elsewhere). Also, shoutout to the GNOME corridor gang!

On Saturday afternoon we had a mini-docs hackfest to work on the GNOME Settings documentation. There has been lots of recent GNOME Settings changes that made part of our docs outdated, so our mission was to update the docs. I think we did a great job getting the ball rolling for the new panels docs and discussing future work.

I would like to thank David King, Dominika Vágnerová, and Petr Kovar for attending the hackfest, and the GNOME Foundation for sponsoring the space where the Settings-docs and the GTK hackfests took place.

Next on my conference plans is Linux App Summit! If you missed the news, the Call for Proposals is now open! Hurry up!


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Visit us in Brno for Linux App Summit 2023!

We are excited to bring Linux App Summit 2023 to Brno, Czech Republic, from April 21st to 23rd!

This is a conference for the Desktop Linux community, GNOME, and KDE folk to discuss the future of our app ecosystem.

Brno is where me and a few other GNOMies live, and it is a tech hub in central Europe with lots of tech companies, open source communities, and universities. Brno hosted GUACEC in 2013, Akademy in 2014, and the LibreOffice Conference in 2016.

Getting here is easier by flying through the Vienna or Prague airports and taking a train to Brno. There are train and bus options from various other locations such as Berlin, Vienna, Warsaw, Bratislava.  We prepared a page with all you need to know about the trip.

The Call for Proposals is now open until February 18th. Don’t forget to submit your talk proposal on time!

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Looking for mentors with project proposals for Outreachy May-August 2023

Hi folks!

We are interested in sponsoring Outreachy internships projects for the May-August 2023 cohort. Project ideas should be submitted before February 7.

GNOME usually has a few participants in Outreachy, so we are looking to offer projects that are most strategic for GNOME. These include, but are not limited to, projects in the area of privacy, GTK, core experience, core applications, developer experience, and development infrastructure. More information about GNOME’s participation in Outreachy is available at Outreach/Outreachy – GNOME Wiki! .

If you would like to mentor this round, please propose a project idea at our Internship Project Ideas Gitlab project.  Once your project proposal has been reviewed, you will be asked to submit it in the Outreachy website. All project ideas need to be approved by the triage committee (Matthias Clasen, Allan Day, and Sriram Ramkrishna) and coordinators (me and Kristi) .

If you have any questions, please feel free to reply to this thread or you can message us privately at

This is a repost from

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What a year!

What a year, huh? There was something about 2022 that was different for me than the previous years. There were lots of things to celebrate and many to be sad about. This is my GNOME blog, but I am more and more convinced that I can’t separate my whole self from my ~work persona~. Life beyond the computer happens and shapes everything we do.

Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has been in my mind a lot lately. I live relatively close to the conflict here in the Czech Republic, and you might not know, but Ukrainians were already the biggest immigrant community in here. I have many Ukrainians being part of my life and it breaks my heart seeing the pain they are going through. I feel the world has gone numb to the suffering of everyday life people and the conversations have become abstract, touching more on the ideological and political aspect of events than its impact on human life.

Across the Atlantic my people in Brazil have experienced a significant decrease on their life standards and the news of people in my life enduring poverty and disease have kept me awake many nights this year. The sadness morphed into frustration and anger at those that have the means to revert this situation but instead choose to profit from it. Accountability won’t bring back the lives of  the almost 1 million Brazilians that have passed in the last couple of years due to the government’s disturbing decision to NOT take action to alleviate the consequences of the pandemic.

But I don’t want to end this post in a sad note. There were plenty of things in my life in 2022 that brought me joy and made me a better person.

The pandemic put lots of things in my life to a hold. I haven’t visited Brazil in 5 years until this summer, where I went there for a couple of weeks to celebrate my thirtieth anniversary with friends and family.

This summer I also went to Mexico to our very first GUADEC in Latin America! This truly made me proud. Being in Mexico felt like being back in Brazil. There were so many cultural and behavioral aspects we could relate, that made me feel like the conversations I had with people I just met over there were as if we were friends for many years already at that point. I loved Mexico and its people, and I am looking forward to be back, visit more, learn more.

This year also taught me important lessons about happiness and contentment. We rethought our entire plan for our farmhouse reconstruction based on our experiences living here for the past two years. The lesson is that happiness is about living on the now, not in the future. Appreciating the things we have, the small everyday life things is what really keeps me going other than chasing the carrot. Lots of the construction space we initially wanted to allocate for comfort is going to be purposed for living. Spaces to work on activities that bring us joy such as gardening, woodworking, and handcrafts. I also learned more about the value of time vs money, and the rewarding feeling of building something on your own for yourself.

I wish you all a great new year and I hope we can be together in more opportunities as the world opens up to traveling again!

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Proposing internship project ideas

GNOME yearly participates in both Outreachy and Google Summer of Code. These internship programs basically consist on having new contributors working on a well-scoped project alongside an experienced mentor.

Defining project ideas is not as easy as it might sound. One needs to consider the perspective of a newcomer approaching the project for the first time, having a schedule where they are expected to onboard, work, and produce contributions that benefit the project.

Instead of my yearly call for project ideas, I would like us to maintain a permanent collection of project ideas that can be discussed and iterated over for a longer period of time. Sometimes an idea can depend on prior work, some UI mockup, or the availability of someone to mentor.

The Internship Project Ideas GitLab repository is now the place for these conversations to take place. The repository’s issue tracker should work well for cross-linking to issues in the repository of our components, as well as allow for tagging individuals that can provide valuable input on the composition of a project idea.

Both internship programs allow for the applicants to propose their very own project ideas, so whenever you get contacted by a potential future intern, ask them to file an issue on our Internship Project Ideas repository for further discussions.

Lastly,  Don’t Be That Person: Don’t propose projects that neither you nor anyone else wants to mentor. 😉

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Get ready for Google Summer of Code 2023 with GNOME!

Google has recently announced the 2023 edition of Google Summer of Code.

The 2022 changes in the program’s format have been successful and are continuing for 2023, with just a small adjustment around eligibility (described in the link above).

GNOME is certainly going to apply to be a mentoring organization, and we hope to once again be part of the program.

If you are a new contributor interested in a summer sponsorship to work in the GNOME project, this is a great time to start preparing!

Visit our Newcomers tutorial to learn how to make your first contribution, join our communication channels to discuss ideas with the community, and stay tuned to our website!

If you have any doubts/questions, feel free to open a topic in our Discourse tag.